§ 46.2-1105. Width of vehicles generally; exceptions.
A. No vehicle, including any load thereon, but excluding the mirror requiredby § 46.2-1082 and any warning device installed on a school bus pursuant to §46.2-1090, shall exceed a total outside width as follows:
1. Passenger bus operated in an incorporated city or town when authorizedunder § 46.2-1300 - 102 inches;
2. School buses - 100 inches;
3. Vehicles hauling boats or other watercraft - 102 inches;
4. Other vehicles - 102 inches.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a travel trailer as definedin § 46.2-1900 or a motor home may exceed 102 inches if such excess width isattributable to an appurtenance that extends no more than six inches beyondthe body of the vehicle. For the purposes of this subsection,"appurtenance" includes (i) an awning and its support hardware and (ii) anyappendage that is installed by the manufacturer or dealer intended to be anintegral part of a motor home or travel trailer, but does not include anyitem that is temporarily attached to the exterior of the vehicle by thevehicle's owner for the purposes of transporting the item from one locationto another.
(Code 1950, § 46-326; 1950, p. 982; 1952, c. 403; 1956, c. 483; 1958, c. 541,§ 46.1-328; 1960, c. 591; 1968, c. 333; 1973, c. 183; 1979, c. 70; 1983, c.515; 1985, c. 426; 1986, c. 72; 1989, c. 727; 1994, c. 819; 1996, cc. 446,506; 2001, c. 151.)