§ 46.2-1108. Bus widths to comply with federal law.
If federal law permits the operation of passenger buses wider than 96 incheson the interstate highway system, the Commonwealth Transportation Board maypermit the operation of passenger buses of a total outside width, excludingthe mirror required by § 46.2-1082, of more than 96 inches, but not exceedingmore than 102 inches, on interstate and defense highways or any other fourlane divided highways under the jurisdiction of the CommonwealthTransportation Board. The use of any other state highways between theaforesaid highways and the passenger bus terminals may be permitted uponapplication to the Board by the governing body of any county, city, or townin which such other highways are located. Any such increase in width ofpassenger buses or designation of highways to be used by them shall notexceed the federal law which may hereafter be adopted, or jeopardize theCommonwealth's allotment of or qualification for federal aid highway funds.
(Code 1950, § 46-326; 1950, p. 982; 1952, c. 403; 1956, c. 483; 1958, c. 541,§ 46.1-328; 1960, c. 591; 1968, c. 333; 1973, c. 183; 1979, c. 70; 1983, c.515; 1985, c. 426; 1986, c. 72; 1989, c. 727.)