§ 46.2-1110. Height of vehicles; damage to overhead obstruction; penalty.
No loaded or unloaded vehicle shall exceed a height of 13 feet, six inches.
Nothing contained in this section shall require either the public authoritiesor railroad companies to provide vertical clearances of overhead bridges orstructures in excess of 12 feet, six inches, or to make any changes in thevertical clearances of existing overhead bridges or structures crossinghighways. The driver or owner of vehicles on highways shall be heldfinancially responsible for any damage to overhead bridges or structures thatresults from collisions therewith.
The driver or owner of any vehicle colliding with an overhead bridge orstructure shall immediately notify, either in person or by telephone, alaw-enforcement officer or the public authority or railroad company, owningor maintaining such overhead bridge or structure of the fact of suchcollision, and his name, address, driver's license number, and theregistration number of his vehicle. Failure to give such notice immediately,either in person or by telephone, shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.
On any highway over which there is a bridge or structure having a verticalclearance of less than 14 feet, the Commonwealth Transportation Commissionershall have at least two signs erected setting forth the height of the bridgeor structure. Such signs shall be located at least 1,500 feet ahead of thebridge or structure.
The Virginia Department of Transportation may install and use overheightvehicle optical detection systems to identify vehicles that exceed theoverhead clearance of the westbound tunnel of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnelon Interstate Route 64. When the optical system sensor located closest to thewestbound tunnel entrance is used in identifying such vehicles, the systemshall be installed at the specified height as determined by measurementstandards that have been certified by the Commissioner of the VirginiaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and are traceable tonational standards of measurement. Such identification by such system shall,for all purposes of law, be equivalent to having measured the height of thevehicle with a tape measure or other measuring device.
Any person who drives or attempts to drive any vehicle or combination ofvehicles into or through any tunnel when the height of such vehicle, anyvehicle in a combination of vehicles, or any load on any such vehicle exceedsthat permitted for such tunnel, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, inaddition, shall be assessed three driver demerit points. In addition, thedriver of any such vehicle shall be fined $1,000, of which $1,000 shall be amandatory minimum. For subsequent offenses, the owner of any such vehicleshall be fined $2,500, of which $2,500 shall be a mandatory minimum.
A violation of this section shall be deemed for all purposes a movingviolation.
(Code 1950, § 46-327; 1950, p. 480; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-329; 1962, c. 85;1984, c. 780; 1989, c. 727; 2001, c. 94; 2005, cc. 542, 543; 2006, Sp. Sess.I, c. 6.)