§ 46.2-1116. Vehicles having more than one trailer, etc., attached thereto;exceptions.
Except as provided in this section and § 46.2-1117, no motor vehicle shall bedriven on a highway while drawing or having attached thereto more than onemotor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer unless such vehicle is being operatedunder a special permit from the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Thislimitation, however, shall not apply between sunrise and sunset to farmtrailers or semitrailers being moved from one farm to another farm owned oroperated by the same person within a radius of 10 miles. This limitation alsoshall not apply to a combination of vehicles coupled together by a saddlemount device used to transport motor vehicles in a drive-away service whennot more than two saddle mounts are used. Vehicles coupled together by notmore than three saddle mounts shall not exceed 75 feet when operated on anyprimary highway as designated by the Commonwealth Transportation Board andshall not exceed 97 feet when operated on the National Network of interstateand primary highways as designated under 23 CFR 658.5, as amended. Use ofsaddle mounts as provided in this section shall be in conformity with safetyregulations adopted by the federal Department of Transportation.
The Commonwealth Transportation Board shall designate reasonable access toterminals and facilities for food, fuel, repairs, and rest.
The governing body of any city may by ordinance permit motor vehicles to bedriven on the highways of their respective cities while drawing or havingattached thereto more than one other vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer.
(Code 1950, § 46-331; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-335; 1962, c. 575; 1964, c. 286;1966, c. 373; 1974, c. 580; 1978, c. 254; 1983, c. 515; 1985, c. 426; 1986,c. 72; 1989, c. 727; 1994, c. 456; 1996, c. 340; 2010, c. 24.)