§ 46.2-1130. Crossing bridge or culvert by vehicle heavier than allowed;where weight signs to be erected.
No vehicle shall cross any bridge or culvert in the Commonwealth if the grossweight of such vehicle is greater than the amount posted for the bridge orculvert as its carrying capacity.
Signs stating the carrying capacity shall be erected and maintained near eachend of the bridge or culvert on the approaches to such bridge or culvert.Whenever the weight capacity of any structure on the interstate or primarysystem is reduced below the weight limit permitted on the road of which it isa part, a sign indicating that there is a restricted structure shall beplaced in advance of the last alternate route on the road upon which there isa restricted structure. Whenever the weight capacity of any structure isreduced below the weight limit permitted on the road of which it is a part, asign indicating that there is a restricted structure, shall be placed inadvance of the last alternate route on the road upon which there is arestricted structure.
(Code 1950, § 46-335; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-340; 1974, c. 347; 1989, c. 727.)