§ 46.2-1130.1. Overweight permits granted to cross bridges and culverts bycertain emergency response vehicles responding to an emergency call.
Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 46.2-1104 and 46.2-1130, emergencyresponse vehicles, including fire and emergency medical apparatus respondingto and returning from an emergency call, may be permitted to exceed the grossweight limit posted on a bridge or culvert, except those maintained by arailroad, provided that a determination has been made by a licensedprofessional engineer, qualified in the appropriate discipline, that theemergency response vehicle can safely cross that bridge or culvert and thatdetermination has been documented by the issuance of a written permit orletter of authorization by the agency or entity responsible for themaintenance of that bridge or culvert.
The permitting agency or entity shall not be held liable for any damage orinjury caused as a result of an emergency response vehicle crossing a bridgeor culvert while responding to or returning from an emergency call under theconditions specified in the overweight permit pursuant to this section.
(2007, cc. 177, 540.)