§ 46.2-1148. Overweight permit for hauling Virginia-grown farm produce.
In addition to other permits provided for in this article, the Commissionerand local authorities of cities and towns, in their respective jurisdictions,upon written application by the owner or operator of any three-axle vehicleused for hauling farm produce grown in Virginia shall issue permits foroverweight operation of such vehicles as provided in this section. Suchpermits shall allow the vehicles to have a gross weight of no more than50,000 pounds, a single axle weight of no more than 20,000 pounds, and atandem axle weight of no more than 36,000 pounds. Additionally, any five-axlecombination used for hauling Virginia-grown farm products may have a grossweight of no more than 80,000 pounds and any four-axle combination haulingVirginia-grown produce, may have a tandem axle weight of 36,000 pounds.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, no such permit shall designatethe route to be traversed nor contain restrictions or conditions notapplicable to other vehicles in their general use of the highways.
No permit issued under this section shall authorize any vehicle whose axleweights or axle spacing would not be permissible under §§ 46.2-1122 through46.2-1127 to cross any bridge constituting a part of any public road.
Permits issued under this section shall be valid only in Accomack andNorthampton Counties.
(1962, c. 192, § 46.1-343.1; 1974, c. 145; 1983, c. 169; 1987, c. 372; 1989,c. 727; 1996, cc. 36, 87; 2003, c. 314.)