§ 46.2-1149. Unladen, oversize and overweight, rubber-tired, self-propelledhaulers and loaders; permits; engineering analysis; costs.
The Commissioner and local authorities of cities and towns in theirrespective jurisdictions, upon written application by the owner or operatorof any empty, oversize and overweight, rubber-tired, self-propelled hauler orloader used in the construction and coal mining industries, may issue to suchowner or operator a permit authorizing operation upon the highways of suchequipment with gross empty weights in excess of those established in §§46.2-1122 through 46.2-1127 and sizes in excess of those established in §§46.2-1105 through 46.2-1108. The permits shall be issued only after anengineering analysis of a proposed routing has been conducted by the VirginiaDepartment of Transportation or local authorities of counties, cities, andtowns in their respective jurisdictions to assess the ability of the roadwayand bridges to be traversed to sustain the vehicles' size and weight. Costsshall be assessed against the applicant to cover engineering analysis.
No permit issued under this section shall be valid for the operation of theequipment for a distance of more than 35 miles.
(1983, c. 311, § 46.1-343.4; 1989, c. 727; 1996, cc. 36, 87; 2000, c. 129;2003, c. 314.)