§ 46.2-1155. Fastening load of logs, barrels, etc.
No vehicle which is designed or used for the purpose of hauling logs, poles,lumber, barrels, hogsheads, or other materials or containers which by theirnature may shift or roll, shall be operated or moved on any highway unlessits load is securely fastened by adequate log chains, metal cables, nylonwebbing, steel straps or other restraining devices so as to prevent the loadfrom shifting or falling from the vehicle. Tobacco hogsheads may, however, besecured by manila or hemp rope, at least five-eighths inch in diameter, ofsufficient strength securely to fasten the hogshead against shifting,falling, or rolling.
Nothing in this section shall release the owner or operator from liabilityfor failure to use reasonable care to prevent the load from shifting orfalling.
(Code 1950, § 46-308; 1954, c. 34; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-304; 1972, c. 64;1989, c. 727.)