§ 46.2-1156. Construction, maintenance and loading must prevent escape ofcontents; load covers; exemptions.
A. No vehicle shall be operated or moved on any highway unless it is soconstructed, maintained, and loaded as to prevent its contents from dropping,sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping. No provision of this section,however, shall apply to any (i) motor vehicle that is used exclusively foragricultural purposes as provided in § 46.2-698 and is not licensed in anyother state; (ii) agricultural vehicle, tractor, or other vehicle exemptedfrom registration and licensing requirements pursuant to Article 6 (§46.2-662 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of this title; or (iii) motor vehicletransporting forest products, poultry, or livestock.
B. The loads of all trucks, trailers and semitrailers carrying gravel, sand,coal or other nonagricultural and nonforestry products on interstate,primary, or secondary highways or roads maintained by cities, counties orincorporated towns shall be either (i) secured to the vehicle in which theyare being transported or (ii) covered. Covers used to prevent the escape ofmaterial from commercial vehicles used to transport solid waste shall be ofsuch design, installation, and construction as to contain the vehicle's cargowithin the vehicle, regardless of the vehicle's speed or weather conditions.Public service company vehicles, pickup trucks, and emergency snow removalequipment while engaged in snow removal operations shall be excluded from theprovisions of this subsection.
(Code 1950, § 46-307; 1958, c. 541, §§ 46.1-303, 46.1-401; 1975, c. 553;1979, c. 213; 1980, c. 21; 1986, c. 639; 1988, cc. 662, 897; 1989, cc. 526,727; 1992, c. 149; 1997, c. 283; 2001, c. 180.)