§ 46.2-1163. Official inspection stations; safety inspection approvalstickers; actions of Superintendent subject to the Administrative Process Act.
The Superintendent may designate, furnish instructions to, and superviseofficial inspection stations for the inspection of motor vehicles, trailers,and semitrailers and for adjusting and correcting equipment enumerated inthis chapter in such a manner as to conform to specifications hereinbeforeset forth. The Superintendent shall adopt and furnish to such officialinspection stations regulations governing the making of inspections requiredby this chapter. The Superintendent may at any time, after five days' writtennotice, revoke the designation of any official inspection station designatedby him.
If no defects are discovered or when the equipment has been corrected inaccordance with this title, the official inspection station shall issue tothe operator or owner of the vehicle, on forms furnished by the Department ofState Police, a duplicate of which is retained by such station, a certificateshowing the date of correction, registration number of the vehicle, and theofficial designation of such station. On or before December 1, 2010, anyinformation an official inspection station is required to provide to theDepartment of State Police shall be accepted by the Department in electronicform. There also shall be placed on the windshield of the vehicle at a placeto be designated by the Superintendent an approval sticker furnished by theDepartment of State Police. If any vehicle is not equipped with a windshield,the approval sticker shall be placed on the vehicle in a location designatedby the Superintendent. If the vehicle is a motorcycle, the approval stickermay be placed on a plate securely fastened to the motorcycle for the purposeof displaying the sticker or in any other location designated by theSuperintendent. This sticker shall be displayed on the windshield of suchvehicle or at such other designated place upon the vehicle at all times whenit is operated or parked on the highways in the Commonwealth and until suchtime as a new inspection period shall be designated and a new inspectionsticker issued. Common carriers, operating under certificate from the StateCorporation Commission or the Department of Motor Vehicles, who desire to doso may use with the approval of the Superintendent private inspectionstations for the inspection and correction of their equipment.
Actions of the Superintendent relating to official inspection stations shallbe governed by the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000et seq.).
(Code 1950, § 46-318; 1954, c. 57; 1956, c. 381; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-318;1989, c. 727; 1996, c. 573; 2003, c. 138; 2006, c. 620; 2007, cc. 75, 137;2009, c. 241.)