§ 46.2-1167. Charges for inspection and reinspection; exemption.
A. Each official safety inspection station may charge no more than:
1. Fifty-one dollars for each inspection of any (i) tractor truck, (ii) truckthat has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more, or (iii)motor vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has a seating capacityof more than 15 passengers, including the driver, $0.50 of which shall betransmitted to the Department of State Police to support the Department'scosts in administering the motor vehicle safety inspection program;
2. Twelve dollars for each inspection of any motorcycle, $10 of which shallbe retained by the inspection station and $2 of which shall be transmitted tothe Department of State Police who shall retain $0.50 to support theDepartment's costs in administering the motor vehicle safety inspectionprogram and deposit the remaining $1.50 into the Motorcycle Rider SafetyTraining Program Fund created pursuant to § 46.2-1191; and
3. Sixteen dollars for each inspection of any other vehicle, $0.50 of whichshall be transmitted to the Department of State Police to support theDepartment's costs in administering the motor vehicle safety inspectionprogram.
No such charge shall be mandatory, however, and no such charge shall be madeunless the station has previously contracted therefor.
B. Each official safety inspection station may charge $1 for eachreinspection of a vehicle rejected by the station, as provided in §46.2-1158, if the vehicle is submitted for reinspection within the validityperiod of the rejection sticker. If a rejected vehicle is not submitted tothe same station within the validity period of the rejection sticker or issubmitted to another official safety inspection station, an amount no greaterthan that permitted under subsection A may be charged for the inspection.
(Code 1950, § 46-320; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-321; 1968, c. 163; 1973, c. 386;1976, c. 501; 1982, c. 646; 1985, c. 450; 1989, c. 727; 1990, c. 39; 2001, c.791; 2002, cc. 322, 337; 2005, c. 628; 2006, c. 620.)