§ 46.2-1177. Emissions inspection program.
The Director shall administer an emissions inspection program. Such programshall require biennial inspections of motor vehicles at official emissionsinspection stations in accordance with this article and may requireadditional inspections of motor vehicles that have been shown by on-roadtesting to exceed emissions standards established by the Board.
The emissions inspections required in § 46.2-1178 shall not apply to any:
1. Vehicle powered by a clean special fuel as defined in § 46.2-749.3,provided provisions of the federal Clean Air Act permit such exemption forvehicles powered by a clean special fuel;
2. Motorcycle;
3. Vehicle which, at the time of its manufacture was not designed to meetemissions standards set or approved by the federal government;
4. Antique motor vehicle as defined in § 46.2-100 and licensed pursuant to §46.2-730;
5. Vehicle for which no testing standards have been adopted by the Board; or
6. (For contingent effective date, see Editor's note) Vehicle manufacturedfor the current model year or any of the three immediately preceding modelyears unless identified by the remote sensing program as violating theemissions standards established for that program.
(1980, c. 469, § 46.1-326.3; 1981, c. 624; 1988, c. 806; 1989, c. 727; 1993,cc. 995, 998; 1993, Sp. Sess., c. 2; 1995, cc. 836, 851; 2006, c. 729.)