§ 46.2-1178. Administration and scope of emissions inspection program.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the emissions inspectionprogram provided for in this article shall apply to motor vehicles havingactual gross weights of 8,500 pounds or less that are registered in theCounties of Arlington, Fairfax, and Prince William, and the Cities ofAlexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park. Theprovisions of this subsection shall expire when the provisions of subsectionC of this section become effective.
B. An emissions inspection program as required by regulations adopted by theBoard under this article shall apply to motor vehicles that have actual grossweights of 8,500 pounds or less and are registered or operated primarily, asdefined by the Board in accordance with the provisions of the AdministrativeProcess Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), in the Counties of Chesterfield, Hanover,and Henrico and the Cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, and Richmond. Suchemissions inspection program shall be a basic, test and repair program withthe greatest number of inspection facilities consistent with the consumerprotection and fee provisions herein as consistent with the Clean Air Act.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply but not necessarily be limitedto (i) motor vehicles owned by governmental entities, (ii) motor vehiclesowned by military personnel residing in those localities, (iii) motorvehicles owned by leasing or rental companies, and (iv) motor vehicles ownedor leased by employees of the federal government and operated on a federalinstallation. The provisions of this subsection shall become effective July1, 1995. The Board may promulgate regulations to implement the provisions ofthis article, but such regulations shall not require inspections in thelocalities mentioned in this subsection prior to the later of: (i) July 1,1996; or (ii) the date on which the Federal Environmental Protection Agency,pursuant to the Clean Air Act, formally and in writing approves this programfor such localities or on such later date as may be provided by regulationsof the Board.
B1. The emissions inspection program provided for in this article shall notapply to any qualified hybrid motor vehicle if such vehicle obtains a ratingfrom the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of at least 50 miles per gallonduring city fuel economy tests unless remote sensing devices indicate thehybrid vehicle may not meet current emissions standards. The Board shalladopt such regulations as may be required to implement this exemption.
C. The emissions inspection program provided for in this subsection shall bea test and repair enhanced emissions inspection program with the greatestnumber of inspection facilities consistent with the consumer protection andfee provisions herein and may include on-road testing and remote sensingdevices. Any enhanced emissions inspection program provided for in thisarticle shall apply to motor vehicles that have actual gross weights of10,000 pounds or less that were actually manufactured or designated by themanufacturer as a model manufactured in a calendar year less than 25 calendaryears prior to January 1 of the present calendar year and are registered oroperated primarily, as defined by the Board in accordance with the provisionsof the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) in the Counties ofArlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and Stafford and the Cities ofAlexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply but not necessarily be limitedto (i) motor vehicles owned by governmental entities, (ii) motor vehiclesowned by military personnel residing in those localities, (iii) vehiclesowned by leasing or rental companies, and (iv) motor vehicles owned or leasedby employees of the federal government and operated on a federal installation.
The provisions of this subsection shall be effective January 1, 1996, or onsuch later date as may be provided by regulations of the Board. However, theprovisions of this subsection may become effective immediately provided that(i) the federal Environmental Protection Agency, pursuant to the Clean AirAct, formally and in writing approves the program for such localities, (ii)the Governor determines in writing that expedited promulgation of suchregulations is in the best interest of the Commonwealth, determining thatsuch shall constitute an "emergency situation" pursuant to § 2.2-4011, and(iii) the Governor authorizes the Board to promulgate the regulations asemergency regulations in accordance with this section.
D. Any emissions inspection program regulations in effect at the time the1995 amendments to this section become effective shall remain in effect untilthe Board promulgates new regulations or amends or repeals existingregulations in accordance with this section.
(1980, c. 469, § 46.1-326.4; 1988, c. 806; 1989, c. 727; 1993, cc. 995, 998;1993, Sp. Sess., c. 2; 1994, c. 838; 1995, cc. 836, 851; 1997, c. 507; 2002,c. 710; 2004, c. 915.)