§ 46.2-1183. (For contingent expiration date, see note) Emissions inspectionrequired prior to registration of certain vehicles; records.
No vehicle subject to the provisions of this article shall be registered orreregistered until it has passed an emissions inspection or has been issuedan emissions inspection waiver. Any (i) proof of compliance with emissionsstandards and emissions inspection requirements and (ii) emissions inspectionwaiver issued for any motor vehicle shall be valid for two years from the endof the month in which it is issued, regardless of any sale or trade of themotor vehicle for which either document was issued during that time, unlesssuch motor vehicle has failed on-road testing pursuant to § 46.2-1178.1 andhas not subsequently passed an emissions inspection or received a waiver.Motor vehicles being titled for the first time shall be considered to havevalid emissions inspection certificates for a period of two years from themonth of first titling. The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may enter into anagreement with the Director whereby the Department of Motor Vehicles mayrefuse to register or reregister those motor vehicles subject to emissionsinspection programs set forth in this article if the registration period forsuch vehicles exceeds the valid emissions inspection period by a period oftime to be determined by the Director in consultation with the Department ofMotor Vehicles and the Commissioner.
Owners of motor vehicles that are not registered with the Department of MotorVehicles shall maintain such records pertaining to all vehicles located oroperated in the areas specified in § 46.2-1178 as the Board may by regulationrequire. Such records shall contain proof of compliance with this article andbe made available to the Department of Environmental Quality upon theDepartment's request.
(1980, c. 469, § 46.1-326.9; 1981, c. 624; 1988, c. 806; 1989, c. 727; 1993,cc. 995, 998; 1993, Sp. Sess., c. 2; 1995, cc. 836, 851; 1996, cc. 35, 100.)
§ 46.2-1183. (For contingent effective date, see Editor's note) Emissionsinspection required prior to registration of certain vehicles; records.
No vehicle subject to the provisions of this article shall be registered orreregistered until it has passed an emissions inspection or has been issuedan emissions inspection waiver. Any (i) proof of compliance with emissionsstandards and emissions inspection requirements and (ii) emissions inspectionwaiver issued for any motor vehicle shall be valid for two years from the endof the month in which it is issued, regardless of any sale or trade of themotor vehicle for which either document was issued during that time, unlesssuch motor vehicle has failed on-road testing pursuant to § 46.2-1178.1 andhas not subsequently passed an emissions inspection or received a waiver.Motor vehicles being titled for the first time shall be considered to havevalid emissions inspection certificates for a period of four years from themonth of first titling. The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may enter into anagreement with the Director whereby the Department of Motor Vehicles mayrefuse to register or reregister those motor vehicles subject to emissionsinspection programs set forth in this article if the registration period forsuch vehicles exceeds the valid emissions inspection period by a period oftime to be determined by the Director in consultation with the Department ofMotor Vehicles and the Commissioner.
Owners of motor vehicles that are not registered with the Department of MotorVehicles shall maintain such records pertaining to all vehicles located oroperated in the areas specified in § 46.2-1178 as the Board may by regulationrequire. Such records shall contain proof of compliance with this article andbe made available to the Department of Environmental Quality upon theDepartment's request.
(1980, c. 469, § 46.1-326.9; 1981, c. 624; 1988, c. 806; 1989, c. 727; 1993,cc. 995, 998; 1993, Sp. Sess., c. 2; 1995, cc. 836, 851; 1996, cc. 35, 100;2006, c. 729.)