§ 46.2-1243. Enforcement by private security guards in certain localities.
The local governing bodies of Franklin County, Henry County, and the Citiesof Danville and Martinsville may by ordinance provide that, in privatelyowned parking areas open to the public, a summons for violation of anordinance promulgated under § 46.2-1242 may be issued by (i) private securityguards licensed under the provisions of Article 4 (§ 9.1-138 et seq.) ofChapter 1 of Title 9.1 and deputized to issue a summons for the offense bythe chief law-enforcement officer of the county or city in which the privateparking area is located or (ii) any owner of the private parking area of anursing home, as defined in § 32.1-123, or agent or employee thereof,provided that such owner has registered in writing on his own behalf or onbehalf of his agent or employee with the chief law-enforcement officer of thelocality his intention to issue summonses pursuant to this section.
(1997, cc. 783, 904; 2002, c. 390.)