§ 46.2-1250. Unauthorized use of disabled parking license plates or placards;penalty.
A. Any person who parks in a space reserved for persons with disabilitiesthat limit or impair their ability to walk or attempts to use the parkingprivileges afforded by § 46.2-1245 and displays a disabled parking licenseplate, DV disabled parking license plate which has been issued undersubsection B of § 46.2-739, organizational removable windshield placard,permanent removable windshield placard, or temporary removable windshieldplacard which has been issued to another person, and is not transporting aperson with a disability which limits or impairs his ability to walk, shallbe guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
B. The local governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinanceincorporate this provision by reference.
(1997, cc. 783, 904.)