§ 46.2-1255. Confiscation of disabled parking placards.
A. Any law-enforcement officer or private security guard acting pursuant to §46.2-1243 who issues a summons to or arrests an individual for any violationof §§ 46.2-1247 through 46.2-1249 and §§ 46.2-1251 through 46.2-1253 mayconfiscate the defendant's permanent, temporary, or organizational removablewindshield placard and shall notify, by mail or facsimile, the Department ofMotor Vehicles of such confiscation and the number of the placard involved.
B. After receiving notice specified in subsection A of this section, theDepartment may prohibit the issuance of any form of disabled parking licenseplate or placard to the defendant until the defendant's charge under §§46.2-1247 through 46.2-1249 and §§ 46.2-1251 through 46.2-1253 reaches finaldisposition, including appeals.
C. Upon the defendant's acquittal for any violation of §§ 46.2-1247 through46.2-1249 and §§ 46.2-1251 through 46.2-1253, the law-enforcement officer orprivate security guard shall return the confiscated placard to the defendantand the court shall notify the Department of such acquittal by electronic orother means. Upon the defendant's conviction for any violation of §§46.2-1247 through 46.2-1249 and §§ 46.2-1251 through 46.2-1253, thelaw-enforcement officer or private security guard shall send the confiscatedplacard to the Department and the court shall notify the Department pursuantto § 46.2-1256.
(1997, cc. 783, 904.)