§ 46.2-1202.1. Vehicle Removal Certificates.
The person in possession of an abandoned motor vehicle shall obtain from theDepartment in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner, a Vehicle RemovalCertificate at no fee. The vehicle may be sold or transferred to a licenseeor a scrap metal processor, as defined in § 46.2-1600.
If the person in possession of an abandoned motor vehicle desires to obtaintitle to the vehicle, that person shall post notice for at least 21 days ofhis intent to auction the motor vehicle. Postings of intent shall be in anelectronic manner prescribed by the Commissioner who shall also ensure thatwritten notice of intent is provided in public locations throughout theCommonwealth. If the Department confirms a lien, the person proposing thesale of the motor vehicle shall notify the lienholder of record, by certifiedmail, at the address on the certificate of title of the time and place of theproposed sale 10 days prior thereto.
A purchaser of the motor vehicle may apply for a title upon payment of theapplicable fees and taxes, and by supplying the Department with the completedVehicle Removal Certificate and the transcript from the Department thatindicates that the Department has no record of the abandoned motor vehicle.
(2009, c. 664.)