§ 46.2-1222. Regulation of parking on secondary highways by certain counties.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing bodies of Fairfax,James City, Loudoun, Montgomery, Prince George, Prince William, and YorkCounties by ordinance may (i) restrict or prohibit parking on any part of thestate secondary system of highways within their respective boundaries, (ii)provide for the classification of vehicles for the purpose of theserestrictions and prohibitions, and (iii) provide that the violation of theordinance shall constitute a traffic infraction and prescribe penaltiestherefor.
All signs and other markings designating the areas where parking isprohibited or restricted shall be installed by the county at its expenseunder permit from the Virginia Department of Transportation.
In any prosecution charging a violation of the ordinance, proof that thevehicle described in the complaint, summons, or warrant was parked inviolation of such ordinance, together with proof that the defendant was atthe time the registered owner of the vehicle, as required by Chapter 6 ofthis title, shall give rise to a prima facie presumption that the registeredowner of the vehicle was the person who committed the violation.
Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall require (i) thatuncontested payments of penalties for violations of the ordinance shall becollected and accounted for by a county officer or employee, (ii) that theofficer or employee shall report on a proper form to the appropriate districtcourt any person's contesting of any citation for violation of the ordinance,and (iii) that the officer or employee shall cause warrants to be issued fordelinquent parking citations.
(1989, c. 727; 1990, c. 78; 1998, c. 422; 2004, c. 797.)