§ 46.2-1231.1. Immunity from liability for certain towing.
No towing and recovery operator shall be liable for damages in any civilaction for responding in good faith to the lawful direction of alaw-enforcement or, in the case that life, limb, or property is endangered, afire or rescue agency to tow, recover, or store any vehicle, combination ofvehicles, their contents, or any other object. The immunity provided by thissection shall not extend to the liability for negligence in the towing,recovery, or storage carried out by the towing and recovery operator. For thepurposes of this section, any towing, recovery, or storage carried out incompliance with a contract between a towing business and a locallaw-enforcement agency or local government shall be deemed to have beenperformed at the lawful direction of a law-enforcement agency.
(1990, c. 604; 2007, c. 376.)