§ 46.2-1503. Motor Vehicle Dealer Board.
A. The Motor Vehicle Dealer Board is hereby created. The Board shall consistof nineteen members appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by theGeneral Assembly. Every member appointed by the Governor must be a citizen ofthe United States and must be a resident of Virginia. The Governor may removeany member as provided in subsection B of § 2.2-108. The initial terms ofeight of the members appointed in July of 1995 shall commence when appointedand shall be for terms ending on June 30, 1997. Nine members shall beappointed for four-year terms. The members shall be at-large members and,insofar as practical, should reflect fair and equitable statewiderepresentation.
B. Nine members shall be licensed franchised motor vehicle dealers who havebeen licensed as such for at least two years prior to being appointed by theGovernor and seven members shall be licensed independent motor vehicledealers who (i) have been licensed as such for at least two years prior tobeing appointed by the Governor and (ii) are not also franchised motorvehicle dealers. One of the independent dealers appointed to the Board shallbe a licensed motor vehicle dealer primarily engaged in the business ofrenting vehicles, and one shall be a licensed independent dealer primarilyengaged in the motor vehicle salvage business. One member shall be anindividual who has no direct or indirect interest, other than as a consumer,in or relating to the motor vehicle industry.
C. Appointments shall be for terms of four years, and no person other thanthe Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Commissioner ofAgriculture and Consumer Services shall be eligible to serve more than twosuccessive four-year terms. The Commissioner of the Department of MotorVehicles shall serve as chairman of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled byappointment by the Governor for the unexpired term and shall be effectiveuntil thirty days after the next meeting of the ensuing General Assembly and,if confirmed, thereafter for the remainder of the term. Any person appointedto fill a vacancy may serve two additional successive terms.
D. The Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Commissionerof Agriculture and Consumer Services shall be ex officio voting members ofthe Board.
E. Members of the Board shall be reimbursed their actual and necessaryexpenses incurred in carrying out their duties, such reimbursement to be paidfrom the special fund referred to in § 46.2-1520.
(1988, c. 865, § 46.1-517.2; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 95; 1995, cc. 767, 816.)