§ 46.2-1508.2. Display, parking, selling, advertising sale of certain usedmotor vehicles prohibited.
No owner or lessee of any real property shall permit the display or parkingof more than five used motor vehicles within any 12-month period on such realproperty for the purpose of selling or advertising the sale of such usedmotor vehicles by the owner or lessee of such vehicles unless exemptedpursuant to this section.
No owner or lessee of any used motor vehicle shall display or park such usedmotor vehicle on the real property of another for the purpose of selling oradvertising the sale of such used motor vehicle if the display or parking ofsuch vehicle will cause the owner or lessee of the real property to be inviolation of the provisions of this section.
No owner or lessee of any used motor vehicle shall display or park such usedmotor vehicle on the real property of another for the purpose of selling oradvertising the sale of such used motor vehicle unless the owner or lessee ofsuch vehicle has the right to occupy such property pursuant to a lease orother occupancy document or prior written permission of the owner or lesseeof the real property. Copies of such written permission shall be posted onthe inside of a side window of the motor vehicle and must be retained by boththe property owner or lessee and by the vehicle owner for at least 12 monthsand shall be made available to law-enforcement officers or agencies, theBoard, and local zoning officials upon request.
The provisions of this section shall not apply if (i) the owner or lessee ofthe vehicle displayed or parked is employed by the owner or lessee of thereal property on which the vehicle is displayed or parked; (ii) the owner orlessee of the vehicle displayed or parked is conducting business with theowner or lessee of the real property on which the vehicle is parked ordisplayed at the time such vehicle is displayed or parked; (iii) the realproperty on which a vehicle is parked is a parking lot for which a fee ischarged for the use of such parking lot, the owner or lessee of the parkedvehicle has paid the fee for the use of such parking lot, and such vehicle islegitimately parked on the property for purposes other than displaying,selling, or advertising the sale of such vehicle; or (iv) the vehicledisplays a dealer's license plate pursuant to § 46.2-1550 and the licenseddealer is not displaying for sale or selling a motor vehicle at a locationother than his specific business location without first meeting therequirements of § 46.2-1516.
The provisions of this section shall also not apply to (i) any motor vehicledealer licensed under this chapter, or (ii) any owner or lessee of realproperty who permits the display or parking of five or more used motorvehicles on such real property by a licensed motor vehicle dealer within any12-month period for the purpose of selling or advertising the sale of suchused motor vehicles.
Except as permitted in § 46.2-631 and except as permitted in this section, noowner or lessee of any real property shall permit any used motor vehicle tobe displayed or parked on such real property for the purpose of selling oradvertising the sale of such used motor vehicle if such vehicle is notlawfully titled and registered in the name of the individual or entityoffering such vehicle for sale as provided in Chapter 6 (§ 46.2-600 et seq.)of this title. However, this limitation shall not apply if the individualoffering the vehicle for sale is an immediate family member of the owner orlessee of the real property on which the motor vehicle is displayed or parkedfor the purpose of selling or advertising the sale of such vehicle.
Except as permitted in § 46.2-631, no person shall advertise, display, sell,or offer for sale any used motor vehicle unless such vehicle is lawfullytitled and registered in such person's name as provided in Chapter 6 (§46.2-600 et seq.) of this title. However, this limitation shall not apply ifthe person offering the vehicle for sale is a motor vehicle dealer licensedunder this chapter or has the authority pursuant to law to advertise,display, sell, or offer for sale the used motor vehicle.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any law-enforcement officer oragency, local zoning official, or the owner or lessee of any real propertyupon which a vehicle is displayed or parked in violation of this section forlonger than 48 consecutive hours after a notice on a form approved by theBoard has been affixed or placed on the vehicle by a law-enforcement officeror agency, Board representative, local zoning official, or the owner orlessee of the real property upon which the vehicle is displayed or parked,may have any such vehicle towed from such real property and stored at theexpense of the owner or lessee of such vehicle and may then dispose of suchvehicle as provided in § 46.2-1203.
The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to eliminate, change, orsupersede the requirement for any person to obtain a license under thischapter if such person engages in any conduct or activity for which a licenseis required under this chapter.
(2008, c. 168.)