§ 46.2-1545. Termination of business.
No dealer, unless his license has been suspended, revoked, or canceled, shallcease business without a thirty-day prior notification to the Department andthe Board. On cessation of the business, the dealer shall immediatelysurrender to the Board the dealer's certificate of license, all salespersons'licenses, and any other materials furnished by the Board. The dealer shallalso immediately surrender to the Department all dealer and temporary licenseplates, all fees and taxes collected, and any other materials furnished bythe Department. After cessation of business, the former licensee shallcontinue to maintain and make available to the Department and the Boarddealer records as set forth in this chapter.
(1988, c. 865, § 46.1-550.5:3; 1989, c. 727; 1995, cc. 767, 816.)