§ 46.2-1552.1. Use of dealer's license plates or temporary transport platesfor demonstrating trucks or tractor trucks.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, dealer's license platesissued under § 46.2-1548 and temporary transport plates issued under §46.2-1550.2 may be used on trucks or tractor trucks in the inventory oflicensed motor vehicle dealers for the purpose of demonstrating trucks ortractor trucks in the inventory of a licensed dealer by a bona fideprospective purchaser. Any such demonstration vehicle may be loaded in amanner consistent with the prospective purchaser's usual commercialactivities. Such use of dealer's license plates on demonstration trucks ortractor trucks in a prospective purchaser's commercial activities shall befor not more than three days or 750 miles, whichever comes first, and shallnot thereafter be used on the same truck or tractor truck by the sameprospective purchaser for a period of sixty days. The dealer shall issue tothe prospective purchaser, or to his authorized agent, a certificate on formsprovided by the Department, a copy of which shall be retained by the dealerand open at all times to the inspection of the Commissioner or any of theofficers or agents of the Department. The certificate shall be in theimmediate possession of the person operating or authorized to operate thetruck or tractor truck. The certificate shall entitle the person to operatewith the dealer's license plate or temporary transport plate for a specificperiod of no more than three days. This certificate shall be in lieu of anyother registration, permit, and motor fuel road tax identification otherwiserequired by law.
(1993, c. 503; 1997, c. 283.)