§ 46.2-1572.3. Waiver prohibited.
No motor vehicle manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributorbranch, or subsidiary thereof shall obtain from a motor vehicle dealer awaiver of the dealer's rights by threatening to impose a detriment upon thedealer's business or threatening to withhold from the dealer any entitlement,benefit, or service to which the dealer is entitled by virtue of anyfranchise agreement, contract, statute, regulation, or law of any kind orwhich has been granted to more than one other franchisee of the manufacturer,factory branch, distributor, or distributor branch in the Commonwealth. Thissection shall not apply to good faith settlement of disputes, includingdisputes pertaining to contract negotiations, in which a waiver is granted inexchange for fair consideration in the form of a benefit conferred upon thedealer; however, this section shall apply to a dispute as to whether a waiverof such rights by a motor vehicle dealer has been obtained in violation ofthis section.
(2001, cc. 135, 150; 2010, cc. 284, 318.)