§ 46.2-1700. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Class A licensee" means a driver training school that provides training inthe operation of commercial motor vehicles as defined in § 46.2-341.4.
"Class B licensee" means a driver training school that provides training inthe operation of any type of motor vehicle other than motorcycles andcommercial motor vehicles as defined in § 46.2-341.4.
"Driver training school" or "school" means a business enterpriseconducted by an individual, association, partnership, or corporation, for theeducation and training of persons, either practically or theoretically orboth, to operate or drive motor vehicles, and charging a consideration ortuition for such services. "Driver training school" or "school" does notmean any college, university, school established pursuant to § 46.2-1314,school maintained or classes conducted by employers for their own employeeswhere no fee or tuition is charged, schools or classes owned and operated byor under the authority of bona fide religious institutions, or by theCommonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, training programs forschool bus operators established pursuant to § 22.1-181, driver educationprograms established pursuant to § 22.1-205, or schools accredited byaccrediting associations approved by the Department of Education; however, ifany such entity or program excluded from the definition of "driver trainingschool" offers driver education and training through a contractualarrangement with another person for consideration, then that other personshall be considered a driver training school subject to the requirements ofthis chapter.
"Instructor" means any person, whether acting for himself as operator of adriver training school or for such school for compensation, who teaches,conducts classes, gives demonstrations, or supervises persons learning tooperate or drive a motor vehicle.
(1990, c. 466; 2004, c. 587.)