§ 46.2-1992.41. Transferable dealer's license plates.
In lieu of registering each trailer of a type described in this section, amanufacturer, distributor, or dealer owning and operating any trailer on anyhighway may obtain a dealer's license plate from the Department, onapplication therefor on the prescribed form and on payment of the feesrequired by law. These license plates shall be attached to each trailer asrequired by subsection A of § 46.2-711. Each plate shall bear a distinctivenumber, and the name of the Commonwealth, which may be abbreviated, togetherwith the word "dealer" or a distinguishing symbol indicating that the plateis issued to a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer. Month and year decalsindicating the date of expiration shall be affixed to each license plate. Anylicense plates so issued may, during the calendar year or years for whichthey have been issued, be transferred from one trailer to another, used oroperated by the manufacturer, distributor, or dealer, who shall keep awritten record of the trailer on which the dealer's license plates are used.This record shall be in a format approved by the Commissioner and shall beopen to inspection by any law-enforcement officer or any officer or employeeof the Department.
Display of a transferable manufacturer's, distributor's, or dealer's licenseplate or plates on a trailer shall subject the trailer to the requirements of§§ 46.2-1038 and 46.2-1056.
All manufacturer's, distributor's, and dealer's license plates shall beissued for a period of twelve consecutive months except, at the discretion ofthe Commissioner, the periods may be adjusted as may be necessary todistribute the registrations as equally as practicable on a monthly basis.The expiration date shall be the last day of the twelfth month of validity orthe last day of the designated month. Every license plate shall be renewedannually on application by the owner and by payment of fees required by law,such renewal to take effect on the first day of the succeeding month.
The Commissioner may offer an optional multi-year license plate registrationto manufacturers, distributors, and dealers licensed pursuant to this chapterprovided that he has chosen to offer optional multi-year licensing to suchpersons pursuant to § 46.2-1992.19. When such option is offered and chosen bythe licensee, all annual and twelve-month fees due at the time ofregistration shall be multiplied by the number of years or fraction thereofthe licensee will be licensed pursuant to § 46.2-1992.19.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)