§ 46.2-1992.43. Dealer's promotional license plates.
In addition to any other license plate authorized by this article, theCommissioner may issue dealer's promotional license plates to a dealershipfor use on trailers held for sale or resale in the dealership's inventory.The design of these license plates shall be at the discretion of theCommissioner. These license plates shall be for use as authorized by theCommissioner. For each such license plate issued or renewed, the Commissionershall charge an annual fee of $100. The Commissioner shall limit the validityof any license plate issued under this section to no more than thirtyconsecutive days. Upon written request from the dealership, the Commissionermay consider an extended use of a license plate issued under this section.The Commissioner's authorization for use of any license plate issued underthis section shall be kept in the trailer on which the license plate isdisplayed until expiration of the authorization. These license plates shallbe included in the number of dealer's license plates authorized under §46.2-1992.39 and not in addition thereto.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)