§ 46.2-1992.46. Issuance and use of temporary transport plates, generally.
The Department, subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in thissection and the insurance requirements contained in § 46.2-1992.40, mayprovide for the issuance of temporary transport plates designed by theDepartment to any dealer licensed under this chapter who applies for at leastten plates and who encloses with his application a fee of one dollar for eachplate. The application shall be made on a form prescribed and furnished bythe Department. Temporary transport plates may be used for those purposesoutlined in § 46.2-1992.45. Every dealer who has applied for temporarytransport plates shall maintain a permanent record of (i) all temporarytransport plates delivered to him, (ii) all temporary transport plates issuedby him, and (iii) any other information pertaining to the receipt or theissuance of temporary transport plates which may be required by theDepartment.
Every dealer who issues temporary transport plates shall insert clearly andindelibly on the face of the temporary transport plates the name of theissuing dealer, the date of issuance and expiration, and the make andidentification number of the trailer for which issued.
The dealer shall issue to the operator of the specified trailer a certificateon forms provided by the Department, a copy of which shall be retained by thedealer and open at all times to the inspection of the Commissioner or any ofthe officers or agents of the Department. The certificate shall be in theimmediate possession of the person operating or authorized to operate thetrailer. The certificate shall entitle the person to operate with thedealer's temporary transport plate for a period of no more than five days.Temporary transport plates may also be used by the dealer to demonstratetypes of vehicles taken in trade but for which he has not been issueddealer's license plates.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)