§ 46.2-1992.66. Filing of franchises.
Each trailer manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch,or subsidiary thereof shall file with the Commissioner a true copy of eachnew, amended, modified, or different form or addendum offered to more thanone dealer which affects the rights, responsibilities, or obligations of theparties of a franchise or sales, service, or sales and service agreement tobe offered to a trailer dealer or prospective trailer dealer in theCommonwealth no later than sixty days prior to the date the franchise orsales agreement is offered. In no event shall a new, amended, modified, ordifferent form of franchise or sales, service, or sales and service agreementbe offered a trailer dealer in the Commonwealth until the form has beendetermined by the Commissioner as not containing terms inconsistent with theprovisions of this chapter. At the time a filing is made with theCommissioner pursuant to this section, the manufacturer, factory branch,distributor, distributor branch, or subsidiary shall also give written noticetogether with a copy of the papers so filed to the affected dealer or dealers.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)