§ 46.2-1992.8. Dealers required to have established place of business.
No license shall be issued to any trailer dealer unless he has an establishedplace of business, owned or leased by him, where a substantial portion of thesales activity of the business is routinely conducted and which:
1. Satisfies all local zoning regulations;
2. Has sales, service, and office space devoted exclusively to the dealershipof at least 250 square feet in a permanent, enclosed building not used as aresidence;
3. Houses all records the dealer is required to maintain by § 46.2-1992.22;
4. Is equipped with a desk, chairs, filing space, a working telephone listedin the name of the dealership, and working utilities including electricityand provisions for space heating;
5. Displays a sign and business hours as required by this chapter; and
6. Has contiguous space designated for the exclusive use of the dealeradequate to permit the display of at least ten trailers.
Any person licensed as a dealer by the Department under any provision of thissubtitle on June 1, 1996, shall be considered in compliance with subdivisions2 and 6 of this section for that licensee.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)