§ 46.2-1992.80. Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew licenses orcertificates of dealer registration or qualification; notice and hearing.
A. Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section, no license orcertificate of dealer registration or qualification issued under thissubtitle shall be suspended or revoked, or renewal thereof refused, until awritten copy of the complaint made has been furnished to the licensee,registrant, or qualifier against whom the same is directed and a publichearing thereon has been had before the Commissioner. At least ten days'written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to thelicensee, registrant, or qualifier by registered mail addressed to his lastknown post office address or as shown on his license or certificate or otherrecord of information in possession of the Commissioner. At the hearing thelicensee, registrant, or qualifier shall have the right to be heardpersonally or by counsel. After hearing, the Commissioner may suspend,revoke, or refuse to renew the license or certificate in question. Immediatenotice of any suspension, revocation, or refusal shall be given to thelicensee, registrant, or qualifier in the same manner provided in thissection for giving notices of hearing.
B. Should a dealer fail to maintain an established place of business, theCommissioner may cancel the license of the dealer without a hearing afternotification of the intent to cancel has been sent, by return receipt mail,to the dealer at the dealer's residence and business addresses, and thenotices are returned undelivered or the dealer does not respond within twentydays from the date the notices were sent. Any subsequent application for adealer's license shall be treated as an original application.
C. Should a dealer fail or refuse to pay civil penalties imposed by theCommissioner pursuant to § 46.2-1992.5, the Commissioner may deny, revoke, orsuspend the dealer's license without a hearing after notice of imposition ofcivil penalties has been sent, by certified mail, return receipt requested,to the dealer at the dealer's business address and such civil penalty is notpaid in full within thirty days after receipt of the notice.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052; 1999, c. 217.)