§ 46.2-1992.9. Dealer-operator to have certificate of qualification.
No license shall be issued to any trailer dealer unless the dealer-operatorholds a valid certificate of qualification issued by the Department. Suchcertificate shall be issued only on application to the Department, payment ofa twenty-five dollar application fee, the successful completion of anexamination prepared and administered by the Department, and otherprerequisites as set forth in this section. However, any individual who isthe dealer-operator of a dealer licensed by the Department under anyprovision of this subtitle on June 30, 1996, shall be entitled to such acertificate without examination on application to the Department made on orbefore January 1, 1997.
The Commissioner may establish minimum qualifications for applicants andrequire applicants to satisfactorily complete courses of study or otherprerequisites prior to taking the examination.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)