§ 46.2-1993.23:2. Dealer's manual transaction fee; use in special fund.
Any dealer licensed under this chapter shall pay to the Department a fee of$15 for each manual transaction in excess of 20 transactions per month. Forpurposes of this section, a "manual transaction" shall be any transactionthat is not conducted electronically or at a location run by an agentauthorized to act on behalf of the Department pursuant to subsection B of §46.2-205. Such fee shall be in addition to any fees charged by the Departmentpursuant to this title for the processing of an application for a newcertificate of title or registration of a vehicle. The dealer's manualtransaction fee authorized by this section shall not apply to any transactionfor which there is no Department-approved remote electronic filing optionavailable. Any dealer who has been charged a dealer's manual transaction feeshall not collect such transaction fee from the purchaser of the vehicle. Allfees collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid into thestate treasury and set aside as a special fund to meet the expenses of theDepartment.
(2009, c. 60.)