§ 46.2-1993.24. Consignment motorcycles; contract.
Any motorcycle dealer offering a motorcycle for sale on consignment shallhave in his possession a consignment contract for the motorcycle, executedand signed by the dealer and the consignor. The consignment contract shallinclude:
1. The complete name, address, and the telephone number of the owners.
2. The name, address, and dealer certificate number of the selling dealer.
3. A complete description of the motorcycle on consignment, including themake, model year, vehicle identification number, and body style.
4. The beginning and termination dates of the contract.
5. The percentage of commission, the amount of the commission, or the netamount the owner is to receive, if the motorcycle is sold.
6. Any fees for which the owner is responsible.
7. A disclosure of all unsatisfied liens on the motorcycle and the locationof the certificate of title to the motorcycle.
8. A requirement that the motorcycle pass a safety inspection prior to sale.
If any motorcycle on consignment from a certified nonprofit organization isfound not to be in compliance with any safety inspection requirement, themotorcycle dealer shall furnish any buyer intending to use that motorcycle onthe public highways a written disclosure, prior to sale, that the motorcycledid not pass a safety inspection.
Any dealer offering a motorcycle for sale on consignment shall inform anyprospective customer that the motorcycle is on consignment.
Dealer license plates shall not be used to demonstrate a motorcycle onconsignment except (i) motorcycles on consignment from another licensedmotorcycle dealer and (ii) motorcycles on consignment from nonprofitorganizations certified pursuant to § 46.2-1993.6:1. The owner's licenseplates may be used if liability insurance coverage is in effect in theamounts prescribed by § 46.2-472. No vehicles other than motorcycles shall besold on consignment by motorcycle dealers.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052; 2000, c. 180.)