§ 46.2-1993.33. Inspection of vehicles required.
No person required to be licensed as a dealer under this chapter shall sellat retail any vehicle which is intended by the buyer for use on the publichighways, and which is required to comply with the safety inspectionrequirements provided in Article 21 (§ 46.2-1157 et seq.) of Chapter 10 ofthis title unless between the time the vehicle comes into the possession ofthe dealer and the time it is sold at retail it is inspected by an officialsafety inspection station. If the vehicle is found not to be in compliancewith all safety inspection requirements, the dealer shall either take stepsto bring it into compliance or shall furnish any buyer intending it for useon the public highway a written disclosure, prior to sale, that the vehicledid not pass a safety inspection. Any person found guilty of violating anyprovisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)