§ 46.2-1993.36. Use of old license plates and registration number on amotorcycle.
An owner who sells or transfers a registered motorcycle may have the licenseplates and the registration number transferred to a motorcycle titled in theowner's name according to the provisions of Chapter 6 (§ 46.2-600 et seq.),on application to the Department and accompanied by a fee of two dollars. Allsuch transfers shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Department.All fees collected under this section shall be paid by the Commissioner intothe state treasury and shall be set aside as a special fund to be used tomeet the expenses of the Department. For purposes of this section, amotorcycle dealer licensed by the Department may be authorized to act as anagent of the Department. As an agent for the Department, the dealer isauthorized to receive, process, and approve applications from its customersfor assignment of license plates and registration numbers pursuant to thissection, using the forms and following the procedures prescribed by theDepartment. The Commissioner, on determining that the provisions of thissection or the directions of the Department are not being complied with by adealer, may suspend, after a hearing, the authority of the dealer to receive,process, and approve the assignment of license plates and registrationnumbers pursuant to this section.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)