§ 46.2-1993.44. Use of motorcycle dealer's license plates, generally.
A. Motorcycle dealer's license plates may be used on motorcycles in theinventory of licensed motorcycle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers inthe Commonwealth when operated on the highways of Virginia by dealers ordealer-operators, their spouses, or employees of manufacturers, distributors,and dealers as permitted in this article. Except as otherwise explicitlypermitted in this article, it shall be unlawful for any dealer to cause orpermit: (i) use of dealer's license plates on motorcycles other than thoseheld in inventory for sale or resale; (ii) dealer's license plates to belent, leased, rented, or placed at the disposal of any persons other thanthose permitted by this article to use dealer's license plates; and (iii) useof dealer's license plates on any vehicle other than a motorcycle. It shallbe unlawful for any dealer to cause or permit dealer's license plates to beused on:
1. Vehicles such as tow trucks, wrecking cranes, or other service vehicles;
2. Vehicles used to deliver or transport (i) motorcycles; (ii) portions ofmotorcycles; (iii) motorcycle components, parts, or accessories; or (iv) fuel;
3. Courtesy vehicles; or
4. Vehicles used in conjunction with any other business.
B. A dealer may permit his license plates to be used in the operation of amotorcycle:
1. By any person whom the dealer reasonably believes to be a bona fideprospective purchaser who is either accompanied by a licensed salesperson orhas the written permission of the dealer;
2. When the plates are being used by a customer on a motorcycle owned by thedealer in whose repair shop the customer's motorcycle is being repaired; or
3. By a person authorized by the dealer on a motorcycle that is being drivento or from (i) a point of sale, (ii) an auction, (iii) a repair facility forthe purpose of mechanical repairs, painting, or installation of parts oraccessories, or (iv) a dealer exchange.
The dealer shall issue to the prospective purchaser, customer whosemotorcycle is being repaired, or other person authorized under subdivision 3of this subsection, a certificate on forms provided by the Department, a copyof which shall be retained by the dealer and open at all times to theinspection of the Commissioner or any of the officers or agents of theDepartment. The certificate shall be in the immediate possession of theperson operating or authorized to operate the vehicle. The certificate shallentitle a person to operate with dealer's license plates under (i)subdivision 1 or 2 of this subsection for a specific period of no more thanfive days or (ii) subdivision 3 of this subsection for no more thantwenty-four hours. No more than two certificates may be issued by a dealer tothe same person under subdivision 1 or 2 of this subsection for successiveperiods.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052; 1998, c. 827.)