§ 46.2-1993.55. Issuance of temporary license plates to dealers and vehicleowners.
The Department may, subject to the limitations and conditions set forth inthis article, deliver temporary license plates designed by the Department toany dealer licensed under this chapter who applies for at least ten sets ofplates and who encloses with his application a fee of two dollars for eachset applied for. The application shall be made on a form prescribed andfurnished by the Department. Dealers, subject to the limitations andconditions set forth in this article, may issue temporary license plates toowners of vehicles. The owners shall comply with the provisions of thisarticle and §§ 46.2-705, 46.2-706 and 46.2-707. Dealers issuing temporarylicense plates may do so free of charge, but if they charge a fee for issuingtemporary plates, the fee shall be no more than the fee charged the dealer bythe Department under this section.
Display of a temporary license plate or plates on a vehicle shall subject thevehicle to the requirements of §§ 46.2-1038 and 46.2-1056.
Nothing in this article shall apply to all-terrain vehicles or off-roadmotorcycles.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052; 2006, c. 896.)