§ 46.2-1993.7. Application for license or certificate of dealer registration.
Application for license or certificate of dealer registration under thischapter shall be made to the Commissioner and contain such information as theCommissioner shall require. The application shall be accompanied by therequired fee.
The Commissioner shall require, in the application or otherwise, informationrelating to the matters set forth in § 46.2-1993.76 as grounds for refusinglicenses, certificates of dealer registration, and to other pertinent mattersrequisite for the safeguarding of the public interest, including, if theapplicant is a dealer in new motorcycles with factory warranties, a copy of acurrent service agreement with the manufacturer or with the distributor,requiring the applicant to perform within a reasonable distance of hisestablished place of business, the service, repair, and replacement workrequired of the manufacturer or distributor by such motorcycle warranty. Allof these matters shall be considered by the Commissioner in determining thefitness of the applicant to engage in the business for which he seeks alicense or certificate of dealer registration.
(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)