§ 46.2-1914. Action on applications; hearing on denial; denial for failure tohave established place of business.
The Commissioner shall act on all applications for a license or certificateof dealer registration under this chapter within sixty days after receipt byeither granting or refusing the application. Any applicant denied a licenseor certificate shall, on his written request filed within thirty days, begiven a hearing at a time and place determined by the Commissioner or aperson designated by him. All hearings under this section shall be public andshall be held promptly. The applicant may be represented by counsel.
Any applicant denied a license for failure to have an established place ofbusiness as provided in § 46.2-1910 may not, nor shall anyone, apply for alicense for premises for which a license was denied for thirty days from thedate of the rejection of the application.
(1995, cc. 767, 816.)