§ 46.2-1916. Supplemental sales locations.
The Commissioner may issue a license for a licensed T&M vehicle dealer todisplay for sale or sell T&M vehicles at locations other than his establishedplace of business, subject to compliance with local ordinances andrequirements.
A permanent supplemental license may be issued for premises less than 500yards from the dealer's established place of business, provided a sign isdisplayed as required for the established place of business. A supplementallicense shall not be required for premises otherwise contiguous to theestablished place of business except for a public thoroughfare.
A temporary supplemental license may be issued for a period not to exceedseven days, provided that the application is made fifteen days prior to thesale. A temporary supplemental license for the sale of new T&M vehicles maybe issued only for locations within the dealer's area of responsibility, asdefined in his franchise or sales agreement, unless proof is provided thatall dealers in the same line-make in whose areas of responsibility, asdefined in their franchise or sales agreements, where the temporarysupplemental license is sought do not oppose the issuance of the temporarylicense.
However, the application for a temporary supplemental license may be madefive business days prior to the sale if the applicant submits evidence thatthe location is in compliance with all applicable local ordinances and thatall other requirements of this section have been met. The application shallinclude affirmative proof of no opposition, in the form of letters signed byall dealers in the same line-make in whose areas of responsibility, asdefined in their franchise or sales agreements, where the temporarysupplemental license is sought, approving the Department's granting thetemporary supplemental license.
A temporary supplemental license for sale of used T&M vehicles may be issuedonly for the county, city, or town in which the dealer is licensed pursuantto § 46.2-1910, or for a contiguous county, city, or town. Temporary licensesmay be issued without regard to the foregoing geographic restrictions wherethe dealer operating under a temporary license provides notice, at leastthirty days before any proposed sale under a temporary license, to all otherdealers licensed in the jurisdiction in which the sale will occur of theintent to conduct a sale and permits any locally licensed dealer who wishesto do so to participate in the sale on the same terms as the dealer operatingunder the temporary license. Any locally licensed dealer who chooses toparticipate in the sale must obtain a temporary supplemental license for thesale pursuant to this section.
(1995, cc. 767, 816; 1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)