§ 46.2-1929. Dealer records.
All dealer records regarding employees; lists of vehicles in inventory forsale, resale, or on consignment; vehicle purchases, sales, trades, andtransfers of ownership; collections of taxes; titling, uninsured T&M vehicleand registration fees; odometer disclosure statements; records of permanentdealer registration plates assigned to the dealer and temporary transportplates and temporary certificates of ownership; and other records required bythe Department shall be maintained on the premises of the licensed location.The Commissioner may, on written request by a dealer, permit his records tobe maintained at a location other than the premises of the licensed locationfor good cause shown. All dealer records shall be preserved in original formor in film, magnetic, or optical media (including but not limited tomicrofilm, microfiche, or other electronic media) for a period of five yearsin a manner that permits systematic retrieval. Certain records may bemaintained on a computerized record-keeping system with the prior approval ofthe Commissioner.
(1995, cc. 767, 816; 2000, c. 128.)