§ 46.2-1967. To whom temporary plates shall not be issued; dealer to forwardapplication for current titling and registration; misstatements and falseinformation.
No dealer shall issue, assign, transfer, or deliver temporary license platesto other than the bona fide purchaser or owner of a vehicle, whether or notthe vehicle is to be registered in Virginia. If the vehicle is to beregistered in Virginia, the dealer shall submit to the Department a writtenapplication for the current titling and registration of the purchasedvehicle, accompanied by the prescribed fees. Any dealer who issues temporarylicense plates to a purchaser who fails or declines to request that hisapplication be forwarded promptly to the Department forthwith shall notifythe Department of the issuance in the manner provided in this article. Nodealer shall issue temporary license plates to any person who possessescurrent license plates for a vehicle that has been sold or exchanged, norshall any dealer lend temporary license plates to any person for use on anyvehicle. If the dealer does not have in his possession the certificate oftitle or certificate of origin, he shall issue temporary license plates eventhough the purchaser has current license plates to be transferred. The dealershall present the title or certificate of origin to the customer withinthirty days of purchase and after this transaction is completed, the customershall transfer his current license plates to the vehicle. If the title orcertificate of origin cannot be produced for a vehicle within thirty days, asecond set of temporary license plates may be issued provided that atemporary certificate of ownership is issued as provided in § 46.2-1943. Itshall be unlawful for any person to issue any temporary license platescontaining any misstatement of fact, or for any person issuing or usingtemporary license plates knowingly to insert any false information on theirface.
(1995, cc. 767, 816.)