§ 46.2-209. Release of information in Department records for motor vehicleresearch purposes.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 46.2-208, the Commissioner may furnishinformation for motor vehicle research purposes when the information isfurnished in such a manner that individuals cannot be identified by socialsecurity or license number or in other cases wherein, in his opinion, highwaysafety or the general welfare of the public will be promoted by furnishingthe information, and the recipient of the information has agreed in writingwith the Commissioner or his designee that the information furnished will beused for no purpose other than the purpose for which it was furnished. Nosuch information shall be used for solicitation of sales.
(1976, c. 505, § 46.1-31.1; 1989, c. 727; 1994, c. 959; 1995, c. 118.)