§ 46.2-216.1. Electronic filings or submissions to Department; provision ofelectronic documents by Department.
A. Whenever this title or Title 58.1 provides that applications,certificates, fees, letters of credit, notices, penalties, records, reports,surety bonds, tariffs, taxes, time schedules, or any other documents orpayments be filed or submitted to the Department in written form orotherwise, the Commissioner may, after providing 12-months' writtennotification to impacted applicants, licensees, or any other person orentity, require that all or certain applicants, licensees, or any otherperson or entity engaged in business with the Department, make such filingsor submissions electronically in a format prescribed by the Commissioner. Anysuch requirement shall not apply to an individual application for a driver'slicense, commercial driver's license, special identification card, or thetitling or registration of 12 or fewer vehicles during a period of one year.The Commissioner shall develop a method to ensure that the electronic filingis received and stored accurately and that it is readily available to satisfythe requirements of the statutes which call for a written document.Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the Commissioner may accept,in lieu of paper documents, a filing or submission made by electronic meansfor any document not required to be filed or submitted electronicallypursuant to the provisions of this title or Title 58.1.
B. Whenever this title or Title 58.1 provides that a written certificate orother document is to be delivered to an owner, registrant, licensee, lienholder, or any other person or entity by the Department or the Commissioner,the Commissioner may provide the written certificate or other document byelectronic means. The electronic document may consist of all of theinformation included in the paper certificate or document or it may be anabstract or listing of the information held in electronic form by theDepartment. Whenever a certificate or other document is provided byelectronic means, the Department will not be required to produce a writtencertificate or document until requested to do so by the owner, registrant,licensee, lien holder, or other party.
(1991, c. 115; 2009, c. 419.)