§ 46.2-218. Fees not allowed law-enforcement officers.
No court in the Commonwealth shall, in any case in which a fine is assessedfor the violation of any law of the Commonwealth or any subdivision thereof,assess as a part of the cost of the case any fee for arrest, or as a witness,for the benefit of any law-enforcement officer of the Department; nor shallany Department law-enforcement officer receive any such fee. Any Departmentlaw-enforcement officer who accepts or receives any such fee shall be guiltyof a Class 4 misdemeanor and, in addition, the Commissioner may remove himtherefor. Department law-enforcement officers are not prohibited, however,from accepting or receiving rewards.
(Code 1950, § 46-39; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-38; 1980, c. 29; 1989, c. 727.)