§ 46.2-221.4. Grace period for replacement of license plates or decals andregistrations for certain active duty military personnel stationed outsidethe United States.
Owners or lessees of vehicles registered in the Commonwealth who have servedoutside of the United States in the armed services of the United States shallhave a 90-day grace period, beginning on the date they are no longer servingoutside the United States, in which to comply with the vehicle registrationrequirements of this title.
To be eligible for the grace period, the vehicle shall:
1. Be owned or leased by a person or persons qualifying under this section;
2. Have had valid registration issued by the Department at the time the ownerbegan service in the armed forces outside of the United States;
3. Comply with the financial responsibility requirements of this title;
4. Display the latest license plates and decals issued by the Department forthe vehicle; and
5. Be operated only by persons qualifying under this section while possessing:
a. Orders or other military documentation demonstrating that they areentitled to the benefits of this section; and
b. The latest registration card issued by the Department for the vehicle.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any person or personswho own or lease vehicles registered in the Commonwealth and are currentlyserving outside of the United States in the armed services of the UnitedStates from complying, when possible and as necessary, with the vehicleregistration requirements of this title during the period of service outsidethe United States or while on leave in Virginia.
For the purposes of this section "the armed services of the United States"includes active duty service with the regular Armed Forces of the UnitedStates or the National Guard or other reserve component.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to special license platesissued to members of the National Guard under § 46.2-744.
(2004, c. 975; 2008, c. 591.)