§ 46.2-224. Board of Transportation Safety.
There is hereby established within the Department of Motor Vehicles a Boardof Transportation Safety, hereinafter referred to in this section as "theBoard," to advise the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, the Secretary ofTransportation, and the Governor on transportation safety matters. The Boardshall elect a chairman and meet at his call, and shall seek to identify theelements of a comprehensive safety program for all transport modes operatingin Virginia. In addition, the Board may consider, study, and report on thefollowing issues: (i) the identification of the unique safety needs of eachparticular mode of transportation; (ii) the identification of the commonelements of safe transportation operation, regardless of mode oftransportation; (iii) the adoption of proven safety practices and technologyin use in one mode to other modes of transportation; (iv) the identificationof the common elements of accident situations; and (v) the allocation ofgrant funds made available to the Department.
The Board shall consist of twelve members appointed by the Governor, subjectto confirmation of the General Assembly. One member shall be appointed fromeach of the geographic operating districts used by the Department and shallreside in the district from which he is appointed. The remaining membersshall be at-large members representing transportation safety interests in theareas of air, rail, water, motor carriers, pupil transportation, pedestrians,bicyclists, and public transit and, insofar as practical, should reflect fairand equitable statewide representation. Members shall serve for terms of fouryears, and no member shall serve for more than two full consecutive terms.Appointment and confirmation of Board members under this section shall occuronly as the terms of the current members of the Board expire under prior law.
Board members shall be reimbursed for their necessary and actual expensesincurred in the performance of their duties.
(1984, c. 778, §§ 46.1-40.5, 46.1-40.6; 1989, c. 727; 1990, cc. 1, 317; 1992,c. 95; 2000, c. 141; 2002, c. 249.)